I was always creative but never considered myself an artist. Even as I started to blog almost five years ago and launched my ETSY jewelry shop some three years ago, I still could not call myself an artist.
I have finally grown into my artist self. I feel blessed to have the presence of the arts in all it's many forms. I learned to play with watercolors a few years ago while at Liz Lameroux's BE PRESENT retreat. I ordered these sets of watercolors which I LOVE!!! I finally went and treated myself to a coloring book with paisleys. Ofcourse I used my 50% off coupon and so only paid around $6 for the book. I wasn't sure if the pages would hold up under the watercolor paints but it totally did. Here is a picture of the dining table from last week:
The coloring book, the Grumbacher watercolors, brushes that look beautiful in this old green coffee cup with the snowflakes on it, my empty Harvard cup that I enjoyed my Morrocan Mint Stash tea, a cup to rinse the brushes off and a sheet of paper towel to dab the excess paint off the brush before painting.
A work in progress. |
This heavenly smelling candle that makes this crackling sound as it burns. |
You see, being Indian, I grew up in a family that valued the math and the sciences but not art. Although that's not entirely true.
My dad is very creative. He enjoys music like no one I know, and he loves acting in Jamatkhana (mosque) plays. He truly revels in the process of rehearsing his lines, putting together his costume and finally performing on stage. Dad is also very creative when it comes to building things. Home Depot is one of our favorite stores to go to when working on a new DIY project. It was a few years ago when we were brainstorming on ways to hang the curtains in our home, that I realized that I get my creative gene from my dad.
Mom on the other side is as left brain as they come. She is brilliant but not artistically inclined at all. But then again, she has a great eye for design when it comes to desi (Indian) clothes and jewelry.
So this is what I've been up to these days. Painting, a few DIY projects and creating new jewelry pieces brings me great joy. Most people partake in the annual tradition of spring cleaning but I've noticed that I tend to enjoy fall cleaning a lot more. Somehow, getting ready to start the holiday season with Thanksgiving around the corner and Christmas in the folds, I just love cleaning, purging, organizing and getting the home ready for the celebrations.
Being able to create art is a blessing to me and one which I am very grateful for.
I pray you take some time to play a bit, no matter what the form.
Thank you for reading.
Love, Light and Blessings,