Friday, December 13, 2013

Taking Stock and Dreaming Bigger!

The end of a year is a time of great celebration and festivities. The holiday season sneak up on us and before we know it, we are right smack in the middle of it.

- The Christmas carols and music playing in all the stores.

- The christmas trees and decorations and the long lines at the register of people buying gifts for their family and friends.

- Holiday band concerts at schools and last minute bake sales and teacher's gifts fund.

- Decorating the house with our gorgeous 11 feet long tree with hand made decorations from when the kids were in preschool and ornaments we've picked up during our travels over the years.

And somewhere in this busyness, I like to pause and take stock of how the year went and sometime before the year ends, I like to set some goals for the next year.  Now I admit that I haven't exactly done this in the formal pen and paper way like I used to but somehow this year feels different. How is it different you ask? Well for beginners, I turned 40. And although it's suppose to be one of those big birthdays, it just came and went. In fact, it was probably one of the worst birthdays in terms of the lack of festivities that usually accompany birthdays.

But the highlight or rather the game changer for me this year was going to Liz's Be Present Retreat. I came back realizing that I am okay just the crazy, weird, creative way that I am. I slowly eased into my self as the artist that I am. Now understand that I was absolutely okay being called a writer but in Indian families, artists are not encouraged let alone celebrated.  But suddenly at 40, it's almost like I'm halfway done with my life being a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, an ex wife, a social worker, a therapist, a volunteer religious education teacher and a blogger. And now it's time to step into the role of an artist.

So this year, I invite you to join me in taking some time to reflect on the year and set some goals for 2014. I recently saw an interview that Oprah did on her show Super Soul Sunday with the owner of Starbucks and he said something, in fact, he said many things that were inspiring and thought provoking. But the one thing he said that sticks out is, "Dream Big! But then Dream Bigger!"

So this year, I invite you to join me in DREAMING BIG but then step back and take another shot at it and  DREAM A BIGGER DREAM for your life.

Love and Light

Salgirah Mubarak to all my Ismaili brothers and sisters!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anita! You forgot 'stunningly beautiful' and 'totally full of life' in your description of yourself :). Love your blog!
